Our Work
Cardea Health operates multiple programs targeting individuals who have experienced chronic homelessness and complex illness. We aim to develop a continuum of care that supports each client with the appropriate level of care and support they require to become safely and stably housed in the community.
Eddie's Place
Eddie's Place is a mixed use site providing post-hospitalization medically supported shelter and medical respite services. Eddie's Place provides skilled nursing care, caregiving services and connections to behavioral health care, including substance use services
Project Homekey
Cardea Health provides comprehensive clinical services in a Permanent Supportive Housing program located in Alameda County known as Project Homekey. The Homekey program houses a population that has experienced complex medical illness and disability as a result of homelessness. Project Homekey is designed to adapt clinical services to each individual up to and including end of life care. The Homekey model is a unique service model developed to provide supported housing to this exceptionally vulnerable population.
Fairmont Respite
Cardea Health provides clinical services at Fairmont Respite, a 34 bed tiny home community that services individuals with clinical needs and provides housing navigation services. Cardea Health partners with Alameda County for the Homeless agency and the housing agency Five Keys to provided tailored services to unhoused invididuals working to transition to permanent housing.
Lake Merritt Lodge
Cardea Health provides nursing and caregiving services at Lake Merritt Lodge, an emergency shelter located in downtown Oakland. Cardea Health works with Housing Consortium of the East Bay to stabilize and transition Lake Merritt Lodge tenants to permanent and appropriate housing placements.